
Caribbean Quinoa Bowl

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Well will you look at me? Posting twice in one day! I feel accomplished. Well, not really as this post was supposed to have gone up ages ago. I was completely taken aback when I went through my recipe archives and realised I hadn’t posted it. To be honest this one isn’t as much of a recipe as it is an idea. I love bowls; they are such a huge healthy eating trend. There are recipes for everything from açaí bowls to sushi bowls and with good reason! In my opinion its one of the best way to enjoy food, its almost like a Japanese Bento box in the sense that you have a bit of everything. A bit of this, a bit of that and you have a complete and nutritious meal. From the title you can decipher that this particular bowl recipe takes on a Caribbean theme and if you didn’t know how I feel about Caribbean food BOMBOCLAT…..Uh yeah, that’s how I feel, I really absolutely love it!

All you will need need is some cooked Quinoa, a beefy stew (Leave a comment if you want the recipe for my slowly cooked mincemeat & carrot stew), some sugar snap peas (Edamame also works well), some slices of avocado and lemon and finally the P L A N T A I N. You got to have plantains (baked or grilled duh). I hope you try this bowl; it will definitely make your day.

With love Dubai Fit Foodie xx

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One thought on “Caribbean Quinoa Bowl”

  1. Pingback: Coconut Oat Waffles |

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