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Coconut Oat Waffles


Hey there,

I know, I know, I haven’t posted in *counts fingers* agesssss but you know what? It’s all good because I’m back with a banging recipe I know you will love. I have been under a lot of pressure these past few days so I couldn’t do a lot of blogging, but I did try to keep up on my social media pages, (scroll down for all my social media info). In the spirit of keeping up, I’d like to also say a big thank you to all my new followers and everyone who has been on this journey with me. You smart, you loyal, I appreciate you. (Lets skip the part where I give you a stack of money? Ok good). In the midst of all the deadlines and pressure I did get up to some fun things. I attended the physique TV launch which you will be able to read all about soon. I also went paddle boarding for the first time with my friend and it was awesome. I know you probably won’t believe me when I tell you doing pushups on a paddle-board in the middle of the ocean is calming, but it really is. Paddle boarding is such a great all round body workout, I’m always looking for exciting ways to stay fit so if you know any out of the box workouts you think I should try, please leave a comment below. As for paddle boarding, I will definitely be going again, it was too good to not repeat and the fact that I didn’t fall once makes me feel like I can be pro if I practice. “Champion Paddle Boarder Gbemi” has a nice ring to it lol! If you are in Dubai and you’d like to go for a class check them out on surfchooluae.com, I will warn you though, the soreness from the workout is unreal, it will work muscles you didn’t know existed, but that goddess body makes it all worth it, well that’s what I tell myself anyway.

Okay, at this point you’re probably like will she shut up and get to the post? And you know what, I will. What’s better than a hot plate of waffles to kick-start your day? Okay, I’ll tell you, this plate of gluten-free, dairy free, super food, coconuty goodness. The best part is that it can be all yours in 15 minutes. Oh how I love this recipe! It’s delicious and healthy you’ll  be tempted to gobble them all up straight from the waffle iron but I advice you to wait, the toppings are always worth it. I used sliced bananas rolled in a crushed almond flaxseed mix, fresh blueberries for more goodness and a sweet tang, then finally some raw honey for a silky finish. They are so good, all that light fluffy goodness gives it a French toasty feel. I KNOW waffles and French toast in one? Bomboclat! (Ps If you want to see me use more Jamaican expletives read this post. I urge you to try this waffle recipe and you’ll never have waffles any other way. As always, do leave a comment if you enjoyed this post or send an email, I love hearing back from you guys. Cheers.

P.s Sometimes I like to give my recipes quirky names, my sister came up with cocon-oat for these. How cute? I do hope you enjoy.

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3 thoughts on “Coconut Oat Waffles”

  1. Ema Jones says:
    • January 21, 2015
    • Reply

    Healthy and tasty meal!

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  2. orangekitchens says:
    • January 22, 2015
    • Reply

    I hardly use my waffle iron because i end up making the same all purpose flour waffles..these sound so for a weekend breakfast :) thanks


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • January 22, 2015
      • Reply

      Yes do try them! Have fun and let me know how it goes :)


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