Best Ever Banana Bread

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Okay so about this weather, 16 degrees? Um okay.

I have never been one for the cold and this weather is beginning to get to me. I was born for summer. Short shorts, frozen treats, flowers and most importantly warmth! Everyone around me loves the weather. “This is great weather”, I must be the odd one out, I mean don’t get me wrong, like everyone in the UAE I do get exited by rain because we rarely have any but not the cold. In fact God, I think it’d be a good idea if you made it rain some hot water once in a while. Sincerely Gbemi.

While I wait for the impossible, I will tell you about this banana bread, you deserve to know. Your kitchen deserves to smell like greatness. Your tongue deserves a taste of celestial happiness. You stomach deserves to be filled with excellence. Okay, I’m going a bit overboard but I’m pretty sure this is the best banana bread you will ever have. Right now, I’m huddled up in bed with a glass of warm soy milk and a slice of this moist chocolatey banana bread and I can tell you that I’m completely happy. You will be too, if you try this bread. Yes, I am selling you dreams with this banana bread. This bread is so moist and delicious! It is sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy free. The blend of peanut butter, dark chocolate, coconut and banana really makes this one a fav. I do hope you try it and leave a comment here or on any of my social media pages.

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Tip: Make sure the wet ingredients are completely smooth before mixing them into the dry ones. DSC_0150 copy 4DSC_0169 DSC_0179 Gbemi



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