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Carrot Date Cake


Hello Foodies,

Oh I’m really proud of myself for this one. I had so much fun creating this recipe, and that’s what keeps me cooking. The fun of it! If you read my ____ post you’ll know I’ve been craving carrot cake, its actually one of my favorite cakes to eat. The only reason I’ve been holding off baking some is because I know I’ll be tempted to gobble them all up. Luckily for me a friend of mine hosted game night this weekend and asked me to make some treats. The perfect opportunity! I made these cakes and some lemon coconut ginger bars ( don’t worry I’ll post the recipe for that tomorrow *Wink*)

Okay, so I have a to go carrot cake recipe but I was feeling spicy and decided to make this one gluten free and sugar free. At this point in time I wasn’t aware that I was about to create the 8th wonder of the world Lol! This is not your conventional carrot cake, but I be dammed if it doesn’t taste as good and probably even better. A cake that won’t spike up your blood sugar but will slowly release energy to keep you active all day? A cake that’s packed with super foods that will make your skin glow and your hair shine? Yeah, I know you’re hooked now. I did a lot of substituting but the results work really well together. Sugar = Dates, Butter = Coconut oil, Flour = Coconut Powder. I added some flaxseed and chia seed for extra goodness, some walnuts and almonds, which are full of good fats and then some cinnamon and orange zest to drive it over the top. The result is a moist and delicious cake, with an intense depth of flavor that is so warming and delicious.

After baking the cake and letting it cool for 10 minutes, I poked holes in the cake with a toothpick and drizzled it with coconut cream. Yup, just when you thought the cake couldn’t get any better, it did. To finish off I cut it into heart shaped portions because everyday is a good day for love. I topped it off with chocolate covered dates, crushed almonds and a drizzle of dark chocolate. Damn! Carrot cake like you’ve never seen before. I won’t beg you to try this cake recipe because by now, you know its your loss if you don’t.

I’m writing this post on the bus and I’m in a very awkward position, I long for the days where I can drive my own car. How’s your Saturday going? Leave a comment below, I’d love to know.

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 1½-cup coconut flour

¾ cup dates (Soaked for 3hours in water and mashed to a pulp)

1 cup grated carrots

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp pumpkin spice (cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg)

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp flaxseed

1 tsp chia seed

½ cup crushed walnuts

¼ cup coconut oil

2 eggs


Coconut cream

Melted dark chocolate

Whole Dates

Crushed almonds.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Prepare a medium sized baking tin. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, oil, dates and vanilla. Mix in flour, baking powder, salt, seeds and spices. Stir in carrots. Fold in walnuts and pour into the prepared pan. Bake in the preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 15 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.

To Top: Heat some coconut milk in a pan for 10 minutes till it reaches a thick consistency. Poke holes in cake and pour cream over it. Dip whole dates in melted chocolate and leave to set. Top cake with chocolate covered dates and drizzle more chocolate, finish with chopped almonds.

2 thoughts on “Carrot Date Cake”

  1. Mitzie Mee says:
    • January 24, 2015
    • Reply

    I usually only bake when we have visitors or when we are going to see our friends, as I know my husband would otherwise eat it all within a day or two:) The cake looks really delicious and juicy. I’ve tried dates in a raw cake once and it’s amazing. Like adding a bunch of (healthy) fudge:)


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • January 25, 2015
      • Reply

      Lol! I don’t blame your husband, I know the temptation. Thanks for the compliment. That raw cake sounds like a must have.


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