
Coconut & Orange Pancakes

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Good Day Lovelies,

It’s burning up in here in the UAE, 38 degrees! Walking to class is a nightmare. You want to run because it’s so hot, but its so hot all your energy is drained and you can’t move. The pain. It is super important to stay hydrated in these times. Your body is losing water at an accelerated rate, so you should probably add an extra glass to your 8. One of my favorite ways to do this is drinking coconut water. It packs all the hydration you need and it’s loaded with potassium for a great energy boost. Sweet but also low in calories, its the perfect alternative to soda. In the spirit of coconut, I decided to upload a favorite coconut recipe of mine, which I’ve tweaked with some yummy chocolate and orange flavors.

It’s the basically the same one in my Coconut Pancakes with Pistachios & Pomegranate, so be sure to check that post out.

Take care, Gbemi x

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½ cup Gluten free flour

¾ cup coconut powder

½ cup plant milk (I used soy)

1 medium egg

2 tablespoons honey

¼ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon orange zest

Coconut oil – For frying


4 tbsp. coconut cream

1 tsp. orange Zest

1 tbsp. cocoa powder

Topping – Caramelized Orange slices

Directions – Filling

Stand your tin of coconut cream in the fridge overnight. Open and pour off the extra liquid at the top, you should be left with a dense cream. Scoop out four-table spoons and whip in the rest of the ingredients, leave to set in the fridge.


Simply add everything in a blender and blitz till you get a smooth batter. This is a gangster pancake recipe.

Heat up a nonstick griddle to medium high. Grease lightly with the coconut oil and ladle about two tablespoons at a time for the perfect mini pancake.

Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side.

Stack pancakes and with coconut cream intermittently. Sprinkle some coconut powder and top with the the orange slices.Serve and enjoy.

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