This Ramadan I’m remaining focused on my vow to 360 wellness; mentally, physically and spiritually. Intentionally making choices that unclog my mind, detoxify my body and energize my spirit has me feeling better than I’ve felt in months.
This Ramadan I’m remaining focused on my vow to 360 wellness; mentally, physically and spiritually. Intentionally making choices that unclog my mind, detoxify my body and energize my spirit has me feeling better than I’ve felt in months.
Staying outdoors in the summer just got a lot cooler, pun intended. Avoid the harsh Dubai sun, and embrace your inner night owl while you explore the adventure packed nature park.
I remember my first iPhone like it was yesterday, it was a High school graduation present from my mum, and at the time I couldn't think of anything I wanted more. That was about 7 years ago; 4 iPhones, several broken screens, 2 mac books, one hard drive crash and an iPad later, I unboxed my first Apple watch.
If you workout regularly then you're no stranger to pain. There's the pain when you're pushing through your last rep, digging deeper and challenging yourself: this is good pain, we love this pain. Then there's the pain the day after, sore muscles that just get in the way of everything else: this is bad pain, we don't like this pain.
If you ever wanted to attend an art class while sipping on a lil sumn sumn under water, you finally can.
As we enter September we welcome the new, cooler season. The Dubai beaches will repopulate and everyone will be outdoors. In my opinion there’s no better way to celebrate the weather than stepping out in new workout gear, regardless of if you are going for a run on the beach, yoga in the park or cycling at the autodrome.
Have you ever wondered what role each vitamin plays when it’s in your system? Which food contains what vitamin? Is Vitamin A more important than Vitamin K? For answers to all these questions and more, check out our Vitamin power list below:
I was listening to Pharrell’s "Happy" the other day and decided to share with you some data and an article published by the Hertfordshire University in the UK on the subject of happiness.