Lamb Chops

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Let me start off by saying this was delicious. Chunky mashed sweet potatoes, well-seasoned and grilled baby asparagus and the star of the show the lamb chops. Perfect.

I love red meat, but I’m trying to cut back on it for health reasons but when I do eat it, it’s a special affair. This lamb was succulent and spicy; it paired perfectly with the potatoes and grilled veggies.








 Brush the lamb chops with olive oil and season both sides with salt and pepper as desired. Mix ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper, and periperi sauce. Coat the lamb chops with this marinade and let rest for 20 minutes. Heat a large skillet and cook until both sides are browned, about 3 minutes on each side. Transfer chops to plate.

Optional: Add crushed red pepper and lemon juice to the pan scrape up the brown bits stuck to the bottom and stir till a thick sauce forms. Serve with the chops, potatoes and veggies of your choice.


4 lamb chops

½ tablespoon chopped ginger

½ tablespoon chopped garlic

½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper

2 tablespoons of Nando’s Wild Herb PeriPeri Sauce


Freshly ground pepper

Olive oil






One thought on “Lamb Chops”

  1. Pingback: Baked Sweet Potato Fries & Chops |

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