
Spinach Ice Pops with Coconut Yogurt

1 comment

I started juicing earlier this year and to be honest it took me a while to adjust to drinking my veggies. I’m used to it now, in fact I find few things more refreshing than freshly squeezed “veggie” juice. Plus, recipes like this make it easy, delicious and fun! You will want to try this recipe because the creamy texture of the yogurt with the slight tang of the spinach and kiwi, mixed with the crunch of the chai seed makes this an all-round treat. If you want a sweeter consistency throughout, I suggest skipping the design and mixing all your ingredients together. You will love it.

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1 cup spinach

1/2 cup kiwi

1/2 cup green apple

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 cup low-fat greek yogurt

1/2 cup grated coconut

2 teaspoons honey


Blend the spinach, one teaspoon of honey, green apple and kiwi to desired consistency and set aside. Mix the yogurt, coconut and leftover honey in a bowl. Clean out your Ice moulds, pour the spinach mixture till half length, layer with chia seeds and top with the yogurt mixture. Freeze for 6-8 hours depending on the size of your moulds and enjoy.

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One thought on “Spinach Ice Pops with Coconut Yogurt”

  1. Bunny Eats Design says:
    • December 2, 2014
    • Reply

    They look pretty cool separated like that, but you’re right, they’ll taste better mixed up.

    I think the order you have made it is good though. If it was coconut yogurt first and spinach last, it wouldn’t be as enjoyable to eat! This way, you eat your greens first before you get dessert.


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