
Chia Seed Pancakes with Fresh Raspberries

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Good Morning Guys!

To all Dubai Fit Foodie’s imaginary loyal fans and my father (He’s a regular visitor to this blog. Hi Daddy)! I’m so sorry I’ve been away for a while. The stress of the semester is taking its toll on me, papers, projects, exams etc. I cannot wait to be done! Anyways “Tis the season to be jolly falalalallalalala“. Tis indeed the season to be jolly, it is holiday time in most of the world and nothing is better compliment for a holiday morning than pancakes.

Now I won’t lie, these pancakes are a bit sweet but, common once in a while you have to cheat just a little. They pancakes are light, fluffy and the surprising crunch of the chia seeds will leave a feast in your mouth. You will love them.

P.s My Dad recommended that I include the calorie content my recipes. What do you guys think? Please comment below if you’d like that or any other thing you’d want to see on this blog.

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Ingredients (Serves 3)

1 cup wholemeal flour

2 tablespoon chia seeds

2 tablespoon icing sugar (Replace with any sweetener of your choice)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

a pinch of salt

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1  + 1/2 cup Plant milk (I used soy)

a dash of pumpkin spice (optional)


Sift dry ingredient together and incorporate wet ingredients to form a thick batter. Heat up a non-stick griddle and cook lightly in coconut oil. This recipe makes about 9 pancakes. Serve with fresh fruit, a dollop of yogurt and honey.

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