
Eggs in a Basket


Good Morning!

I’m pretty pumped this morning as I’ve had a well-rested night. Today is the perfect day to pay my dues, as I’ve owed this recipe for a while. I love a good brunch, but some mornings are made for staying in and that shouldn’t mean you can’t have a show stopping meal. This creative take on eggs will add a “pazzaz” to breakfast in bed. So take notes for the sake of that special someone *wink.

I love the savory flavors of roasted peppers in olive oil and garlic, add an egg into that mix, bake its and you have something spectacular. You’re one stop away from a glamorous morning. See below for the full recipe, as always. Enjoy.

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A handful sliced bell peppers

A handful spinach

An egg

Salt and pepper

Olive oil

A clove of garlic

A medium onion

Herbs of choice



  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. In a skillet sauté the onions in a little olive oil, add garlic and cook till just beginning to caramelize. Add the peppers, and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add the spinach and gently wilt. Season with some salt, peppers and herbs.
  3. Form the veggies into a welled circle and crack the egg in the middle. Season the egg and transfer to the oven. Bake for another 10-12 minutes.
  4. Serve with a simple salad, toast and freshly squeezed juice.


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6 thoughts on “Eggs in a Basket”

  1. Lety C says:
    • April 19, 2015
    • Reply

    This looks delicious! Beautiful images

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • April 19, 2015
      • Reply

      Thank you Letty!

      LikeLiked by 1 person

  2. Afoma says:
    • April 20, 2015
    • Reply

    This looks so good!


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • April 24, 2015
      • Reply

      Thanks Afoma


  3. Emily says:
    • April 22, 2015
    • Reply

    i believes that i will be sucess with your way. looks beautiful


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • April 22, 2015
      • Reply

      Thanks Emily. It will trust me.


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