
Dubai Fit Foodie In NewYork

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New York is my favourite city in the world. Sorry Dubai. It was my favourite city before I ever visited it. It sounds fickle but with every NY based movie I watched or book I read, my love grew. I visited New York in October for the first time and my first reaction was tears. I was overwhelmed. I recognised everything. The Lights. Food. Hobos. Naked People. Apartments. Dreams. Money. Dirt. Opportunity. WallStreet.The Subway. Everything.

The city is so me.

No really. Free, unrestrained, busy, bustling, creative, encompassing.  I have to go back!  I don’t know when, but I know I meant to live a portion of my life in NewYork.

As you can imagine, my trip was much shorter than I would have liked. I had to cram everything into 4 days! The most useful thing I bought in preparation for this trip is the NY Pass, read all about it here! It helped me book my tours, restaurants and lots more! I tried to capture as much as I could but as always not enough! *Blair Stepdad’s voice*

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