
Spinach Crepes

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I’m currently nestling in spinach-ville. I bought a bag of spinach and I’ve been including them in every meal. Hell yes superfood! Yes glowing skin! Yes detoxifier. Okay you get the point? Spinach is good for you. I got inspired to try this recipe while reading one of my favourite blogs Green Kitchen Stories. I of course added my own twist to the recipe and  honestly you’re going to love this because these crepes are light,fluffy, and flavourful without being overpowering. They really pair well with a sweet syrup or you could have them with a savoury sauce. Check below for all the ways I ate them!

You’re welcome to add own twist to the recipe and let me know how it works for you.

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Ingredients (5 servings)

1 cup wholemeal  flour

1/2 cup oat flour

1/4 cup flax seed

1 tbsp chai seeds

3 large eggs

2 cups soy milk

1 cup  water

1 tbsp melted coconut oil (more for frying)

a pinch of sea salt

2 handfuls fresh spinach


Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until all the ingredients until you get a smooth consistency. Heat a non-stick pan, lightly spritz with coconut oil. Cook about 1/4 cup per crepe. Serve hot with toppings of your choice.

Toppings of my choice

I freeze a batch of this and reheat when I want a quick and delicious meal. My to go toppings are this plum compote and dates (yes its fast becoming a favourite, let me know if you’d like the recipe). Peanut butter and a drizzle of honey, the flavour combo is honestly perfect. Alternatively, I stir-fry peppers, onions and some white button mushrooms for quick lunch.

I’m pretty sure you could get more creative, let me know what toppings you’d like to pair with this.


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