
Iris Dubai – Review


Last week, my friend Zainab of StyleVaultDubai and I visited Iris Dubai at the Oberoi hotel to try out their Raw Bar & Lite Cocktail Menu. It was all we hoped for and more! As you might know, I’ve recently become obsessed with exploring healthy dinning options in Dubai and I was pretty excited to visit Iris.

When we arrived at 7pm on Saturday evening, the ambiance was welcoming with soft lighting and smooth music playing in the background. As the night wore on it got quite busy and by the time we left at 11 it was pretty packed. Another thing that was packed was my stomach. The evening was filled with an amazing selection of cocktails and food treats. I tweeted and instargramed through the night, so follow me on my social media channels (below) if you don’t already.

We started the night with a complimentary cheese platter, with bread, veggie sticks, yummy sundried tomatoes and a selection of dips. My first cocktail of the night was the Heart Beet, it was love at first sip. Stay tuned till the end of post for the recipe. You’re welcome in advance! I’m all about that beet beet lol! Beet juice is my favorite juice ever, put it in a cocktail and I’m completely sold. Y’all know that beet is an amazing detoxifier, so this guarantees you won’t be having a hangover lol.


Iris is an open-air restaurant at the 47th floor so the view was spectacular. You could also get a view into the kitchen. I love restaurants with open kitchen, it feels like there’s a deeper connection with the food, plus it’s fascinating to watch the kitchen to table process.


Iris is definitely under my Sushi a must have in Dubai. It was fresh and perfectly cut, with so many options to pick from.


My cocktail recommendations are the Heart Beet, Fashion Mojito, Passion Fruit



Iris Dubai:

Located at The Oberoi, Dubai (27th floor)

For reservations: +971569511442



Instagram: @IrisDubai



“We’ve got the beet. Known as a “superfood”, beet juice can boost stamina, improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. As a powerful cleanser, beetroot juice is a natural sweetener and when paired with fresh lime juice, its sweetness contrasts with the citric tart flavor of the lime. Heartbeet’s striking ruby color and smooth tangy flavor is paired with a serving of beet root, edamame, sea salt and lime dressing.”

Lime Infused Tanqueray No. Ten 18 cl

Beet juice 18 cl

Fresh lime juice 6 cl

Light homemade sugar syrup infused with fresh thyme 9 cl

Topped with sparkling water 3 cl



(Disclaimer: The meal was complimentary and the photos are not mine)

2 thoughts on “Iris Dubai – Review”

  1. Phaena says:
    • May 1, 2015
    • Reply

    Such lovely photos, you must have had a splendid time.


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • May 3, 2015
      • Reply

      I did! Thank you :)


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