
Coconut Pancakes with Pistachio & Pomegranate

Recipes, Uncategorized

Hello people,

I trust that you’re all well. Over the weekend I posted a photo of these ahh-mazing pancakes on Instagram and I got really great feedbacks. I’m excited to be finally sharing the recipe you. You know how I love my pancakes, they are one of my favorite things to make and eat. I love creating new experiences each time I have them. This flavor combo is worth all the failed experiments. This recipe is da bomb. (In the words of my hood friend’s lol)

Coconut is a super food wonder; almost everything about it is useful and nourishing. I love that strong unmistakable scent that diffuses through the room when you cook with it. I can’t decide what I love most, the oil, milk, meat, powder, water? There is just so much to pick from. Do tell me what your favorite coconut products are; I’m sure you’re more decisive than me.

One of the best things about coconut is that it is gluten-free which paves the way to some of the tastiest gluten-free inventions. The combination of the coconut powder with gluten free flour really leaves for a nice and fluffy pancake that I’m sure you’ll love. Here, I layered mine with pomegranate jam, pistachios and fresh juicy pomegranates. The result was a mouthful of vibrant flavors and complementary textures. You’ll be blown away.

I really hope you enjoy this. I’ll be expecting your questions and comments.

Side note: Any tips on how to deseed a pomegranate without recasting the 2ND World war will be welcomed.

Gbemi x

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½ cup Gluten free flour

¾ cup coconut powder

½ cup plant milk (I used soy)

1 medium egg

2 tablespoons honey

¼ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon vanilla paste

Coconut oil – For frying



Just throw everything in a blender and blitz till you get a smooth batter. This is a gangster pancake.

Heat up a nonstick griddle to medium high. Grease lightly with the coconut oil and ladle about two tablespoons at a time for the perfect mini pancake.

Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. Stack and slather with pomegranate jam, fresh pomegranates and chopped pistachio for a delightful breakfast. Sprinkle some coconut powder on top if you’re feeling extra fancy.


9 thoughts on “Coconut Pancakes with Pistachio & Pomegranate”

  1. Erum @ TotalSalads.com says:

    I love those stacked pancakes with the red, green and white. Great photos :-)

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    • Gbemi G Giwa says:

      Thank you Erum! They taste just as delicious as they look.


  2. An Afrikan Butterfly says:

    You blend your pancake batter! I’ve thought about doing this sooo many times, but then the first pancake recipe I tried said to mix the batter consistently in the same direction- clockwise or anticlockwise and I thought blending might mess that up. These look good! I will try blending soon :)

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    • Gbemi G Giwa says:

      Thank you.
      Yes! Sometimes I do the whole dry ingredients then wet ingredients, but I was feeling pretty lazy doing this & to be honest I don’t think it makes that much of a difference.
      Let me know how blending works out for you.


  3. Tasneem Rajkotwala says:

    I don’t eat pancakes but your photos really are so drool worthy!! However, my son would love them :)


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:

      Thank you Tasneem. I do hope he likes this.


  4. Chez @ Chez Moi says:

    Beautiful food styling and photography – I can see why these photos got so much traffic on IG. It sounds like a great recipe too!


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:

      Thank you so much ☺️


  5. Pingback: Coconut & Orange Pancakes |

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