
Baked Eggs and Crab

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I’m writing this blog post during a break in my Cities and Cinema class. We are watching an old classic. Blade Runner. Film lovers and critics, any thoughts?


Okay, let’s talk food. (See what I did there? Lol!) From the feedback I got on social media, I already know you guys are going to love this unique breakfast combo. Crab meat can be quite expensive but this breakfast treat is definitely is well worth it. The moist and succulent crab meat pairs beautifully with the perfectly cooked egg.  The hint of soy sauce and the rich coconut flavour really drives this over the edge. Its simple to make and cleanup is a breeze, my kinda cooking.

I hope you enjoy x

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Ingredients – Serves 2

½ cup canned crabmeat

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons coconut cream

2 large eggs

Salt & pepper for seasoning

Cayenne pepper

Butter, for greasing

To garnish: Tomato wedges and a few sprigs of parsley


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease your ramekins with butter and set aside.Divide the crab meat equally in the two dishes and top with a tablespoon of soy sauce. Break an each egg directly into the spate ramekins and top with the cream. Season, then dust with cayenne pepper for a spicy kick. Place the dishes into the over and cook for 10-12 minutes depending on how done you like your eggs.Garnish & Served with buttered hot toast. Enjoy.

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