
Foodemag Dxb Spring Issue

Dubai, Recipes

Hi guys,

So the spring issue of Foodemagdxb is out. This cannot be news? Surely you already know this? I’ve been raving about it on my social media pages but for those who do not know. It is a food and travel magazine curated by bloggers around the region. I’ve been lucky to be a part of the team and I’ve contributed to the last two issues. The content is fresh, inspiring and creative. It covers the best of cooking, dining and travel. It’s fairly new publication and the team is open to feedback. So, I’d be more than happy if you could head over there, check it out and send in your comments. Also please subscribe to the bi-monthly issue. All you need to do is drop in your name. You wont regret it.

Here are some photos of my contribution on Raw Desserts to the magazine. Full details of the recipe and other scrumptious bites are on Foodemagdxb. Enjoy x

Raw Wildberry Cheesecake BarsDSC_0188

Raw Peanut Butter Swirl PieDSC_0007

Raw Chocolate CakeDSC_0070

2 thoughts on “Foodemag Dxb Spring Issue”

  1. IshitaUnblogged says:
    • April 18, 2015
    • Reply

    Thank you so much for the beautiful recipes for the Spring issue of Food e Mag dxb.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • April 19, 2015
      • Reply

      Always a pleasure Ishita


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