
Post Eid Workout

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Yayy, first post after Ramadan, it is only right that it should be about fitness. No more excuses time to get that body back on fleek. This Eid I met up with long time friend of mine Mariam. She’s Palestinian but after spending 5 years as a member of the Nigerian club at my university, I can vouch for her “Nigerianess” with the vocabulary to prove it. She even has her very own Nigerian name, Morenike.

Morenike is a name from the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria; it means “I’ve found someone to take care of”.

Mariam aka Morenike was a huge influence on my fitness journey. Back in uni, after spending the entire day in CAAD (College of Architecture and Design) we would run to the gym for a quick workout before heading back to catch up with our project deadlines. Those one-hour getaways were the fibers that held my sanity together. Seeing Mariam reminded me why I started working out in the first place. It is therapeutic. As much as it is good for my health it is better for my mind. Working out is a time where I can focus on being my absolute best, pushing my body so every move counts. I love that conqueror type feeling.

Since I sustained a leg injury last year, my workout regimen has not been what it used to be. Always stretch guys; it will save you a world of pain.

I’m slowly building my devotion back, so it was exciting when Mariam suggested we work on a workout routine just like old times. This workout comprise of 3 modules, warm-up, intense and cool down. Rest between each module and give it your all.

It’s fun but it is intense and you will burn those calories. As always, do let me know if you try this workout. Keep on with me on Twitter and Instagram @DubaiFitFoodie.

Wishing you lots of love and sore muscles,

Gbemi x


5 mins super run

5 pushups

5 burpees with squats

5 lunges

Repeat “Warm-up” 3 times with 90 seconds interval between each set.


12 weighted squats

50 skips (or I min plank)

12 leg curlers

50 skips (or I min plank)

12 front squats

50 skips (or I min plank)

12 Walking lunges

Repeat “Intense” 3 times with 90 seconds intervals between each set

Cool down

10 arm circles

10 elbow circles

10 ankle circles

30 sec child’s pose

30 sec hamstring stretch

Then shake it off 

Target: Full body, focus on legs

Tip: Squeeze your muscles with every move so you feel the burn. I.e. if you are doing squats squeeze your glutes and abs.

Nutrition: Eating clean is a must so try the delicious recipes son this blog. I’ll be including more detailed nutrition plans on Dubai Fit Foodie in the coming weeks.

Time: Aim for 60 mins or below

One thought on “Post Eid Workout”

  1. Pingback: My 30 minutes – Personal Fitness Training |

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