
Beef & Tomato Hash with Crispy Potatoes – Brunch on a Budget

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healthy, Recipes

In Dubai Friday’s are for brunching but that’s a wallet crushing habit I’m trying to cut back on, besides home-cooked meals are much better. There’s nothing more wallet forgiving and delicious than a hash with crispy potatoes, saucy eggs and juicy bits of meat. This recipe calls for relatively cheap ingredient you probably already stock in your pantry and compared to the average Dubai brunch, this meal will be saving you about 200 Aed AND it feeds four people.

It’s very easy to bring together, although I won’t deny that there is quite a bit of prep work involved but one bite into it and it all becomes worth it. I love the mix of both sweet and Irish potato in this dish as they both add unique flavors and texture. In between the beef, sauce and potatoes you’ll have a very balanced dish on your hands. So save yourself some money today and treat your stomachs to this delicious hash, as always let me know what you think.

Ps I think my Spicy Watermelon Cocktail is the perfect drink to go with this. Clink in the link for the recipe.


Enjoy Gbemi x

You’ll need:

1 large sweet potato

1 large Irish potato

1 large onion (roughly chopped)

1 can of chopped tomatoes

3 cloves of garlic (crushed)

Chicken Seasoning (I used Knorr)

Dried Herbs (Parsley & Basil)

Chilli (optional)

Coconut Oil

Mince Beef (500g)

4 eggs

Salt & Pepper to taste


Peel, cut and dice your potatoes into cubes. Wash then place in a large pot and cover with water. Sprinkle in some salt and cook the potatoes for 10-15mins then transfer to a sieve and let drain.

In a large pan add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and pan fry the potatoes in batches till they are crispy, drain then set aside.

In the same pan add the mincemeat, season with chicken seasoning, salt, black pepper and chilli then cook till slightly crispy. This takes about 5-10 minutes. Remove the cooked meat with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Add the chopped onion to the pan and sweat till it becomes translucent. You can add a little salt to speed up this process. Then add the can of tomatoes, crushed garlic, chicken seasoning, dried herbs and chilli, taste for salt then let this mixture for 10-12 minutes till it forms a thick gloopy sauce.

In an oven safe skillet layer your tomato sauce, mince meat and potatoes. Create 4 wells then crack in the eggs and season salt and pepper. Transfer the whole skillet to the oven and cook at 200 degrees for 8-10 minutes depending on how done you like your eggs.

Garnish simply with fresh herbs or some spring onions. Serve and enjoy.

Gbemi x

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