
Bespoke Ride – Indoor cycling studio #Review

A few weeks back I visited Bespoke Ride, a unique indoor cycling studio which has recently opened Al Quoz, Dubai. I’m always on the look out for new quirky ways to work out in Dubai and this was a very pleasant surprise.  The studio has been designed to create the experience of outdoor cycling in a safe all weather environment to cater to the growing popularity of cycling as a sport. Although I’m not currently training for a triathlon, I can appreciate the effect having such a facility will have for pro athletes. I met with the owners and they walked me through the one-on-one performance training and coaching available.

0K3A9018Statistics show that working with this advanced cycling system and technology has proven to increase overall cycling performance by at least 20%.

At first I felt a bit out of my depth as all the information was quite techy, but as soon as the workout started I found that my bike was adjusted to my fitness level so although I was constantly challenged I wasn’t overworked. In fact they say all levels of cycling fans are welcome, from beginner to pro athlete and there are five training packages to choose from depending on the goals you’ve set for yourself.

This is a great alternative if you want to go from “spinning” to building some solid experience in cycling. I also imagine that cyclists in Dubai will appreciate his facility in the summer as they get the same outdoor simulation without the sun burn.

0K3A8750The studio also offers Retul Bike Fitting technology is also available on site which is advisable for those planning to invest in a bicycle, for pleasure or professional use.

For more information call 04 348 4288 or e-mail: .

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bespokeride

Instagram: https://instagram.com/bespoke_ride/

Website: http://www.bespoke-ride.com

Operating hours

Sunday to Thursday – 6am until 8pm

Friday and Saturday – 8am till 6pm

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