
Alpha Abs – Nike Training Club


Its Bikini O’clock in this part of the world as the weather is finally getting better. It’s time to get this body on fleek ladies.One of my favourite ways to workout my abs is using the Nike Training Club app.  Its a great app for all level of fitness as it covers everything from beginner workouts to advanced ones. The app has voice instructions and video tutorials of each exercise and each step so you can check your form as you go. Today’ I did the Alpha Abs aka 15 minutes of pure torture, I could feel my abs growing with every move. Its the kind of workout that’ll have you swearing off unhealthy foods.


So go download the app, pick a goal, pick your music and get your abs on. See I even got Radar to join me.


2 thoughts on “Alpha Abs – Nike Training Club”

  1. Madeline Johnson says:
    • September 26, 2015
    • Reply

    Great photos – what exactly is the alpha abs? I am going to check out the Nike app for sure. Thanks for sharing.


    • Gbemi G Giwa says:
      • September 27, 2015
      • Reply

      Thank you Madeline. It’s an Abs workout on the Nike App, check it out I’m sure you’ll love it.

      LikeLiked by 1 person

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