Carrot Cake Chia Seed Pudding

Carrot Cake Chia Seed Pudding

Hello and thank you for visiting my blog, I’m wishing you good weekend vibes.

This recipe actually has quite a funny story. Recently, I’ve been having carrot cake cravings and to satisfy them, I decided to make a healthy gluten free version with some chai seeds amongst other things. Then it hit me, I could use chai seed pudding to make a carrot cake and I did! So this is more of an upside down recipe and it tastes so delicious despite its experimental nature.  I love Chia Seed pudding & it’s a delicious alternative to oatmeal for breakfast. In this recipe, you’ll get the rich Carrot cake flavour without all the carbs, it is definitely a treat. Besides, why wouldn’t you want to eat your cake and have it? Try this recipe and enjoy life.

With love Dubai Fit Foodie xx


2 tablespoons chia seed
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup grated carrot ( I used the pulp from my carrot juice)
2 tablespoons honey (Yes, it’s a treat)
A pinch of salt
A pinch of cinnamon
Few drops of vanilla extract


Plain yogurt
Toasted Pecans/Walnuts


Simply mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, seal and refrigerate overnight. Serve with some moreover yogurt, honey & nuts! Enjoy.

Ps. Speaking of carrot cake. Would you like to see a healthy gluten free version? Leave me a comment and I’d be happy to oblige!


What do you think?