All posts tagged: iftar


Dubai Sports World

On June 21st I had the pleasure of attending the media opening of Dubai Sports World (DSW). It is my first year visiting and I was amazed by the size. DSW is Middle East’s largest indoor sporting venue, you know Dubai “Go big or go […]

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Iftar at Warwick Dubai

Hi guys, So I think I’m doing pretty well with the restaurant reviews but with thousands of restaurants in Dubai and only 24hours in a day I’ve asked my fellow foodie and sister Eniola to chip in. Here is her experience having Iftar at Warwick […]

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Orange Olive Oil Cake – Sugar free

Ramadan Kareem, Iftar is always a celebration and what’s more festive than cake? I don’t make cakes often because I have limited knowledge in baking. The whole process  seems rather daunting but this cake was actually quite easy to put together. My mouth was screaming cake, […]

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