Wholemeal Bread Buns

Wholemeal Bread Buns


Happy new month! 11 days late? Yeah I know. The past few days have been a blur of events, with the conclusion of my final exams, my brother’s graduation, family visits and endless trips to Deira market. As you see, I have been quite busy. Anyhow I’m excited to be fully back on the blogging scene with lots of goodies lined up. I’m a tad apologetic about this post, as it was supposed to go up last month. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you’d know I was determined to master breadmaking in the month of January and although I did successfully try some recipes, I don’t think I’ve earned the tile of “master” just yet, but this bread recipe will fool anyone. Whip out a large batch of homemade bread and have everyone think you’re some sort of superstar, they won’t have a clue that the recipe was actually quite easy. You can just sit there and bask in the glory, I know I did.  This bread recipe does call for some elbow grease but  just think of it as a delicious workout. A bread maker or a food processor with a dough hook would probably save you some time and effort but where is the fun in that?

The heavenly smell wafting through your kitchen combined with the satisfaction of knowing you made your own bread from scratch will leave you contented the whole day. Few things taste better than this bread slathered with some honey, peanut butter and a cup of your favourite tea. As always, I’m happy to be of service, do have a good day.

Gbemi xx

Although I tweaked it a bit, you can find the recipe for this bread on Baking Mad

Tweaks (I substituted the caster sugar for honey, the butter for olive oil and I also added a tablespoon of chia seeds to the dough)


What do you think?