Tomato Baked Eggs + Chit Chat on Organic Food Shopping

Tomato Baked Eggs + Chit Chat on Organic Food Shopping

I am slowly trying to replace majority of the produce I consume with sustainably grown organic food. If you live in Dubai, that sometimes means doubling the amount you allocate for food shopping and the question remains, “Is it worth it?”

Learning to think about where my food is from, how it is grown and how will it will help/affect my body is a process I’m finding extremely rewarding and enlightening. Let’s face it, we are what we it. Literally. I sure as hell do not want to be made up of chemicals x y z.  We are direct reflections the food we eat , it dictates our moods, energy levels and the way our body looks and feels. You are food. So YES, buying organic is worth it. As long as you can conveniently afford it.

Did you know that organic produce houses more nutrients than their conventional counterparts? They also taste better and as a foodie that is the biggest selling point.

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This simple breakfast was made with Organic Tomatoes, Organic free-range eggs, Organic olive oil, sea salt, black pepper and chili flakes. It is so simple and yet so good. You can add some seasoned kale to bake alongside the eggs for a more filling meal. See my Kale chips recipe to prep your kale.

P.s I’m being more proactive with my YouTube channel now. Check me out and please subscribe! :)


  • 2 Roma tomatoes, washed cut and pitted. Video on my YouTube channel.
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp. Olive oil
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh herbs, optional
  • Chili flakes, optional



  1. Preheat oven to medium high. Place tomatoes on a baking sheet.
  2. Crack eggs in a small bowl, season with sea salt and black pepper and whisk to combine.
  3. Carefully fill each of the tomato cavities with salt, pepper, fresh herbs and chili flakes if you’d like some heat.
  4. Bake for 8 minutes for runny eggs and 10 – 12 minutes for well-done eggs. Serve with crispy kale chips and enjoy.



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