
Breakfast Burrito

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Good morning!

I woke up feeling bright and sunny and I’m definitely in the mood for some Mexican. I posted this recipe on my Instagram page last year (HAHAHAH okay last week) and I got great feedback! So here’s the full recipe. Enjoy.

DSC_0055  DSC_0063Ingredients

1 Whole grain tortilla

2 tbsp. tomato sauce

2 tbsp. cooked mince meat (Beef/Chicken)

1/2 Avocado (peeled & chopped)

1 fried egg

Cottage Cheese

Capsicum Pepper (Sliced)

Grilled Lime (Optional)

Coconut oil (For cooking)


Toast tortilla on both sides with a drizzle of coconut oil. Place on a baking pan, top with tomato sauce, minced meat cooked meat, the egg and finish with the avocado, some peppers and cottage cheese. Bake for 5 minutes at 180 degrees & serve with a grilled lemon.

Ps. Drizzle with some hot sauce to send this over the edge, put if you don’t like spice that’s fine.

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