
Walnut & Red Quinoa Bread

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Happy New Year!

How did you celebrate? I spent mine indoors praying for a better year ahead. I also took the time to finalize my New Year resolutions (Yes I am one of those people who doesn’t think resolutions are just a waste of time), I’ll honestly try my best to do and be better this year, and I hope you will too.

Speaking of resolutions, this post is one of mine. I’m resolved to make my own bread, in fact my sister Eniola she suggested that I do a monthly challenge on the blog and what’s a better challenge than bread making? So for the month of January we will be making bread on this blog amongst other things!  For my first attempt at bread making this walnut quinoa bread was pleasantly surprising. Honestly, after this one recipe I consider myself a champion bread maker because if I had to live on only this Walnut and Quinoa bread I would be perfectly fine. It is packed with super food greatness, the texture is deliciously fluffy and the crunch you get in each bite leaves mini fireworks in your mouth.

Although this recipe comes together quite quickly with only 10 minutes of kneading, there is quite a lot of inactive time so if you are impatient like me that can get a bit annoying. On the bright side after taking a bite into that perfectly crisp crust it will all become worth it. I have made part of this recipe into a card as I think it will be a fun alternative to reading of the blog, this way you can print it out the recipe for when you go grocery shopping. Most of my followers on twitter loved the idea, if you aren’t following me on twitter or instagram its @dubaifitfoodie! I posts daily updates and would love to interact with you.

P.S this makes a big batch of bread and unless you live with a large family, you certainly shouldn’t consume this in one sitting. I suggest you give some out for a lovely treat your friends will love or wrap it in foil paper and place in an airtight container & refrigerate till needed.

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Combine the honey and the water in a small bowl, add the yeast and set aside in a warm place for 5 minutes or until foaming. Transfer to a large bowl and mix in the olive oil.

Add the combined flour, salt, walnuts, quinoa, flaxseed and chia seeds to the yeast mixture. Use a wooden spoon to stir until combined, and then use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl. (If necessary, add a little extra water if the dough is too dry, or flour if it’s too sticky).

Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Brush a large bowl with oil to grease. Place the dough in the bowl and turn to lightly coat in the oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set aside in a warm place to proof for 90 minutes or until the dough has doubled in size.

Deflate the dough by punching down the center of the dough with your fist. Turn onto a chopping board and cut in half. Shape as desired. (I tried it with both a baguette and brioche shape) Preheat the oven to 355 degrees F, place the loaves on a nonstick baking tray, cover with a tea towel then leave to proof for another hour (I know, I know but its worth it).

Slash decorative lines in the loaf, so air can be released while baking. Brush with milk and bake for 35 minutes or till the loaves are golden brown and sound hollow when tapped on the base.

Thinly slice the bread to serve.

Enjoy your bread with some peanut butter and honey, or make it into a French toast like I did, check instagram for photos.



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