So delicious and simple! I’m in love with this breakfast idea. It’s more of an assembly than a recipe. All you need to do is layer toasted brown bread with guacamole, roasted tomato (click on the link for my recipe) and boiled eggs. Top with […]
All posts tagged: breakfast

Baked Eggs and Crab
I’m writing this blog post during a break in my Cities and Cinema class. We are watching an old classic. Blade Runner. Film lovers and critics, any thoughts? Cut. Okay, let’s talk food. (See what I did there? Lol!) From the feedback I got on […]

Plantain Pancakes
Everyone loves plantain, well everyone should. If you aren’t familiar with plantains, you need to hop on ‘em real quick. They look like banana’s older brother, with a deeper color and larger frame. They are a popular side dish in Caribbean and African cuisine because […]

Coconut Pancakes with Pistachio & Pomegranate
Hello people, I trust that you’re all well. Over the weekend I posted a photo of these ahh-mazing pancakes on Instagram and I got really great feedbacks. I’m excited to be finally sharing the recipe you. You know how I love my pancakes, they are […]

Akara Pancakes
Hey loves, Tomorrow is Pancake day! Who’s excited? I know I am. I’ve done more pancake recipes on my blog than anything else, so it’s pretty obvious I love pancakes. Make anything into a pancake and I will gobble it all up. So when you look at […]

Breakfast Burrito
Good morning! I woke up feeling bright and sunny and I’m definitely in the mood for some Mexican. I posted this recipe on my Instagram page last year (HAHAHAH okay last week) and I got great feedback! So here’s the full recipe. Enjoy. Ingredients 1 […]

Walnut & Red Quinoa Bread
Happy New Year! How did you celebrate? I spent mine indoors praying for a better year ahead. I also took the time to finalize my New Year resolutions (Yes I am one of those people who doesn’t think resolutions are just a waste of […]

Chia Seed Pancakes with Fresh Raspberries
Good Morning Guys! To all Dubai Fit Foodie’s imaginary loyal fans and my father (He’s a regular visitor to this blog. Hi Daddy)! I’m so sorry I’ve been away for a while. The stress of the semester is taking its toll on me, papers, projects, exams […]

Chia Seed Pudding with Plum compote
This has become my to go breakfast in the last week. It is light but filling, rich and extremely delicious. Another thing I love about this breakfast is that it requires no cooking. Yup. I simply mix the plant milk, yogurt, honey, vanilla and salt […]

Travall App Launch and Breakfast at Bait Al Bahar
Last week, I was invited to preview the new Travall app that will be launching in Dubai on 2nd December, the UAE National Day. Developed in the UAE, Travall aims to change the way tourists and residents in the UAE review and book various activities! You can check accommodation, dining, venues, […]

Blueberry Parfait
One word, Blueberries! They are so cheap at this time of the year. I picked up several boxes for 10Dhs a piece and they usually go for 17 Dhs. What a bargain! Blueberries are oh SO delicious! They top the list of super foods as […]